
Golden Fish

Any questions?

We are always happy to help you

    We are always happy to help you
    +998 99 985 99 99

    Base address

    Uzbekistan, Tashkent, Yashnabad district, st. Uysozlar 7

    We are in Telegram


    Golden Fish

    Chain stores

    Around the city of Tashkent and outside the city

    • Alaysky Store
    • Yunusabad Store
    • Kadyshev Store
    • Bostanlyk Store
    • ECO Bazaar store
    • Mirabadsky Store
    • Parkentsky Store
    • Yashnabad central Base
    • Chilanzar Store

    Golden Fish

    Recreation area

    Come and enjoy nature

    • Address of the Recreation area

    Urtasaray, Uzbekistan